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Blog Business Creativity Marketing

What Is A Full-Service Marketing Agency?

What Is A Full-Service Marketing Agency?

Fill in the Blank: everyone needs a ________________________. It could be a doctor/plumber/hairdresser/pet groomer/dentist or an endless array of professions that fit your life. Everyone has several “go-to” people that handle any service that we need. When it comes to your business, there is a multitude of services that you need to be subscribed to, even just to keep it going on a day to day. Every business needs marketing, so why not choose ONE company that handles it all? Let’s be honest, in this business landscape, a full-service marketing firm is efficient for your business and more cost effective.

Faceless Technologies marketing does work
Blog Business Strategy Creativity Multimedia

Top Five Super Bowl Commercials

Top Five Super Bowl Commercials

We broke down our favorite Top Five Super Bowl Commercials for you and why they made the top five. These are all the most unique and creative in comparison to other commercials in the 2018 Super Bowl, uniqueness and creativity being a large factor standing out amongst competitors in marketing.

However, that’s not the only thing these Top Five Super Bowl Commercials have in common. Let’s see if you can figure out the other factor these ads share in common.

graphic design
Blog Creativity Digital Printing Graphic Design Print Printing Vector Graphics Website

Psychology in Design

Psychology in Design

What we see and what we feel are two very different things. The first is an aesthetic experience; the latter is a psychological one. Good graphic design includes both.  Designers need more than a basic understanding of psychology for their work to make a worthwhile impression. Now, you may think that you need to get a degree in psychology to create an impressionable design. The good news is that it’s not necessary to get a doctorate to apply psychology to graphic design. Take this as a handy “crash course” on the role of psychology in design.

full service marketing Faceless Technologies
Artificial Intelligence Blog Business Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence and Your Business?

CEO’s are all prepping and researching. All working hard to make sure they stay in front of the next evolution of technologies for business and their industry. They are all going to be asking very soon:

What’s our A.I. strategy?

Artificial Intelligence could be one of the most technological advances in this century. It could transform every brand and industry with how business is conducted and experienced.  A.I. become a major buzzword. However, this technology doesn’t necessarily need to mean quite what you think it does right now. What if A.I meant methods of automation were to be available for your business. With the initial programming concepts for market ready A.I., there would have to be a finite amount of processes or options, so a quantifiable decision could be made without question. Like inputting all the tables and amounts of seating in a restaurant and Artificial Intelligence could properly manage an equal spread of seating in the different sections that would run smoothly. Improving the customer experience on a variety of points through automation can improve businesses revenue. But is your business ready for this shift forward?

Faceless Technologies marketing does work
Blog Search Engine Optimization SEO

How Does A Search Engine Really Work?

How Does A Search Engine Really Work?

Before looking into the methods to increase your brands Google Ranking, it is crucial to understand the “why and how” of the search engines. These online tools are simply searching services supplied to us by companies like Google, Microsoft, and 50 other companies across the globe.

Faceless Technologies marketing does work
Blog Search Engine Optimization SEO

Why Does SEO Matter To Your Business?

Why Does SEO Matter To Your Business?

Do you cringe and get a funny look on your face when you think of SEO? Have you taken the time to fully grasp and understand Search Engine Optimization (or commonly referred to as –SEO)? Whatever your reason for not taking SEO seriously, let me warn you as of how crucial SEO is to your business and brand. There’s so much you can do besides just optimizing your website to improve your SEO, from posting more on social feeds to using backlink sites. Are your efforts in SEO failing to generate traffic or better yet sales? The connection between SEO and making more money is not always setup in a way that anyone can do the work.

business cards faceless technologies
Blog Business Printing

Your Business Card Was Probably Just Thrown Away. Most Of Them Are.

Business Cards

The reasons behind this are always a question in marketing and therefore have many opinions and thoughts about this topic. But what is known is that about 80% of all the business cards that are passed out are thrown away within the first week. With that knowledge, one great question to ask would be: How do I increase the odds that I will end up being a consistent part of that 20%?

Faceless Technologies Business
Blog Business Strategy Consulting Marketing

Debunking the Multilevel Marketing Model

Debunking the Multilevel Marketing Model

“Are you ready to TRANSFORM your life, start your own beauty business, become a #BOSSBABE and look AMAZING while doing it”?  While you may cringe, MLM consultants and advisers use this is an overused sales pitches that for recruitment. The recruitment process could be social-media oriented or in the form of a “party”. Multi-level marketing companies have gotten a negative reputation over the past few years though aggressive social selling and shady legal practices. In spite of these, the MLM models aren’t as evil as their negative reputation makes them out to be.

Blog Business Strategy Marketing SEO Small Business Web Presence

Preparing Your Business For The Holiday Season

Preparing Your Business For The Holiday Season

There is an increased amount of traffic during any holiday, both physical and digitally. In turn, this means that you will be getting more visitors to your website. Is your website easy to navigate, contain all the information that your customers are looking for, quick-loading, mobile-friendly, and easy to find on local searches?