social media
Blog Social Media

The Unnecessary Necessity of Social Media Accounts

The Unnecessary Necessity of Social Media Accounts

“I don’t need social media to promote my company” yeah those are the words from some people who think that social media is stupid & a waste of time for their business.  We are all living in a world where technology provides easy-quick access to information. If you want to look for a place to eat, you go online and search for the place. Also, people look up networking channels to see visuals & if there is something that catches the eye.  The Sunday brunch avocado toast with a mimosa on the side image that you see on your feed from a friend you barely talk to gives you the push to get out of bed & join the rest of the foodie movement. All based on an image, so why do so many people think that social media is unnecessary to the growth of their business?

social media optimization
Blog SEO Social Media

Are Your Social Media Pages Optimized?

Are Your Social Media Pages Optimized?

When the average internet user thinks of social media, it usually conjures thoughts of liking and sharing posts, funny/relatable/cool viral campaigns, and a network of friends and followers. What if I told you that there is a whole OTHER world to social media? Are you a startup or thinking about starting a business? There is a good chance you have already created social media profiles for your business. Did you realize that when your social media game is full optimized, it has the POWER to bring your business and brand to a whole new level of online presence? Social media optimization is simply using social media as a catalyst to grow your business online. Many new businesses and startups make the mistake of simply creating profiles and posting a few times. Think of social media as the new “storefront” or “front door” for your business.

social media landscape
Blog Social Media

The Social Media Landscape Is Changing in 2018 (Part 1)

The Social Media Landscape Is Changing in 2018 (Part 1)

Get ready, as massive changes are coming up in 2018 in social media. The social media landscape is always evolving, and it’s branching off into many different directions. Your business needs to grow by keeping up with trends in social media. As we move into 2018, social networks will continue to grow and dominate – connecting you to potential clients, customers and sales. You are the owner of a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram account…..and so is your competition. This is your chance to get a more in-depth perspective of what 2018 has in store for social media. Take advantage of getting ahead while you still can.