marketing in 2020
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Marketing In 2020 Overview

All About Marketing in 2020

Marketing can shift at a drop of a dime. A lot of Strategies that have grown popular in the past are being pushed aside to make room for new innovations. It’s important to understand how influencer marketing, SEO, and artificial intelligence is governing online marketing demands. Furthermore, it’s imperative that you are constantly educating and preparing your business for these future shifts of marketing in 2020.

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Artificial Intelligence Blog Business Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence and Your Business?

CEO’s are all prepping and researching. All working hard to make sure they stay in front of the next evolution of technologies for business and their industry. They are all going to be asking very soon:

What’s our A.I. strategy?

Artificial Intelligence could be one of the most technological advances in this century. It could transform every brand and industry with how business is conducted and experienced.  A.I. become a major buzzword. However, this technology doesn’t necessarily need to mean quite what you think it does right now. What if A.I meant methods of automation were to be available for your business. With the initial programming concepts for market ready A.I., there would have to be a finite amount of processes or options, so a quantifiable decision could be made without question. Like inputting all the tables and amounts of seating in a restaurant and Artificial Intelligence could properly manage an equal spread of seating in the different sections that would run smoothly. Improving the customer experience on a variety of points through automation can improve businesses revenue. But is your business ready for this shift forward?