Blog Business Technology Website

Higbee & Associates PicRights Copyright Trolls – Part 2

Higbee & Associates PicRights Copyright Trolls – Part 2

Have you received an email or letter recently accusing you of Copyright Infringement? The copyright trolls are back, and they have been harassing businesses of all sizes and backgrounds. The Law firm of Higbee & Associates has been targeting businesses of all kinds. They send out threatening messages to businesses, accusing them of copyright infringement and stealing imagery.

Blog Small Business Web Presence Website

Higbee & Associates or Pic Rights: Copyright Trolls

Higbee & Associates or Pic Rights: Copyright Trolls

So, you have received a letter or email from the Law Firm of Higbee & Associates or Pic Rights. Not to worry, you are not alone. Like many businesses, our clients have gotten numerous emails and other written correspondence from the firm. Furthermore, the numerous emails become increasingly more annoying than truly worth merit. After further questioning and research, discover why we can agree with the internet’s labeling of Higbee & Associates copyright trolls.