Blog Digital Marketing

What Is The Timeline For Digital Marketing? | 2022

What Is The Timeline For Digital Marketing?

What is the timeline for digital marketing? This is a question that people and businesses seem to have trouble answering. Why? Because every business is different. There are also variables that need to be taken into consideration. It’s not as cut and dry as you may have hoped but we will be exploring some time frames, for different digital marketing actions, that you can use as a rule of thumb.

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Drip Marketing Campaigns – Guide for Email Marketing

Drip Marketing Campaigns Guide for Email Marketing

Email newsletters are the perfect way to keep your subscribers in contact with the latest developments in your business. But there’s a major drawback. New subscribers only see the latest email announcements and never the older emails you’ve sent out. Plus, it’s hard to keep track of new subscribers, current subscribers and old subscriber’s activity. In this instance, Drip Marketing Campaigns come in to play to help do just that.