The Different Between Web Design and Web Development - Faceless Technologies
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The Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

The Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

Web design and web development. You may have heard the term “web design” more than “web development”. Yet, what is the difference between the two? What qualifications does one need to be a designer vs a developer? In a nutshell, web design refers to both the aesthetic part of a website and its usability.

Web designers are responsible for creating the layout, colors, images, and typography of the website.  Web developers (also called front end developers!) are responsible for using coding language to make the websites function. They build the backbone of websites and are computer programmers proficient in programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS. Building websites are similar to architects designing buildings. The architect is like the web designer – they lay out the look and basic functionality. The web developer is like the construction company – they create the prototype and uses coding to bring the website to life. However, knowing the basic differences between web design and development can make a difference in understanding how your website functions.