Google doesn’t come out with big updates that often, but when it does, it’s often a huge one. Such as the most recent Google Search update for March 2024. The new Google update is a game changer, and many websites are going to be impacted by new algorithmic changes. This is going to make a huge impact on the digital landscape in many different areas – from digital marketing to AI and SEO. The question you should be asking yourself is: “Is MY website ready to handle the new Google Search update”?

Google Search Update For March 2024

In March of 2024, Google announced its core update, which brought a swift shift to the internet as well as the world of SEO and tech. This one may have the same impact as when the Panda and Penguin updates had begun to roll out awhile back.

However, the impact of this new update has been enormous and widespread as websites have already been hit with penalties and some even getting shut down. There are a few things that you should know about this update if you want to avoid having your website get penalized as well.

Tackling Spamming, Low Quality Content on Search

In a recent blog post, Google detailed their new strategy on how they are enhancing search so that users are able to see more useful and relevant information instead of low-quality content. There are a few key changes that were made to the search:

  1. Improved quality ranking – Google is making algorithmic enhancements to its core ranking systems. This is to ensure that the most helpful information makes it to the surface of the web while reducing irrelevant content in search results.
  2. New spam policies – The new and improved Google spam policies are created to keep the lowest-quality content out of search. This includes items like expired websites that have been repurposed as spam repositories by new owners.

How Does Google Define “Low Quality” Content

So, what exactly is “low-quality content according to Google? Well, Google defines spam/low-quality content as anything that attempts to manipulate search results or deceive users. With regards to “low-quality content”, it’s not necessarily deceptive. However, it detracts from the user experience.

This is what Google labels as “low-quality” content:

  • Webpages with poor user experience – A poor user experience would include websites with excessive ads, broken layouts or poor mobile incompatibility.
  • Clickbait – Any over-the-top articles with clickbait headlines will also be labeled as “low quality.”.
  • Unoriginal content – What makes content “unoriginal” is when it is heavily copied by from other sources without adding value.

There are several methods that Google considers deceptive:

  • Keyword stuffing – This is a tried and true “black hat” SEO trick that no longer works in 2024. Keyword stuffing involves filling a webpage with irrelevant keywords to rank higher in searches.
  • AI-generated content – AI-generated content is a massive red flag for Google’s filters. This includes content that is created by bots or algorithms without any human involvement. AI-generated content is easy to spot especially when it the wording is nonsensical.
  • Minimal to no content – Any webpages that offer very little content will also be penalized by Google.
  • Link Manipulation – There is a crackdown on any unnatural attempts to boost a website’s ranking by manipulating

Google’s Aim To Combat Spam

Over the years, Google has already implemented spam-fighting programs and anti-spam policies to keep out low-quality content from appearing in search results. Now, they are cracking down on spam even further by implementing new updates to their spam policies.

These new anti-spam updates will better address the growing abuse practices that are causing low-quality content to appear in Google Search.

Site Reputation Abuse

One of the new policies includes cracking down on site reputation abuse. This occurs when a third-party company tries to piggy-back off of a larger, more reputable website. An example of this could be when a third-party website like payday loans might try to publish reviews on a trusted website about real estate. This content ranking can confuse or mislead website visitors.

Now, any type of third party content that is produced primarily for ranking purposes without the oversight of a website owner to be spam.

Expired Domain Abuse

Another part of the update includes tackling expired domain abuse. Abuse will happen when expired domains are purchased and repurposed with the intention of boosting the search ranking of low quality content. As a result, users are mislead to believe that the new content is part of the older site, which often isn’t the case. Google is now recognizing any expired domains repurposed for other types of content to be spam.

Scaled Content Abuse

Google has already previously gone after the use of AI for mass-producing low quality content to boost search results. Now, scaled content creation has gotten more sophisticated. As a result, Google is trying to combat this by strengthening its policy to further crack down on this. Scaled content creation methods have evolved, so much so that it can be difficult to determine if content is created by humans or AI. Often, AI-generated content is low quality and often fails to deliver answers or relevant results.

How To Create Quality Content

If you are a content-creator, marketer or business, there are new quality standard guidelines that you should be following for creating quality content. These are the guidelines for producing quality content:

  • Originality and insight – The content should include original writing, research, case studies, interviews and expert opinions.
  • Audience understanding
  • Content structuring
  • Continual content updating
  • Ethical SEO practices

As a content creator or business, you need to consider how Google’s changes will be impacting your interaction with search engines. Especially as both a user and a content creator. Google’s search helps answer the question of billions of users every day, which is why Google makes it their goal to ensure that quality results appear in searches.

About Faceless Marketing Firm

At Faceless Marketing, we have helped countless businesses grow their brands – from planning to execution and optimization. As a marketing agency, we provide a full range of creative services, content creation, and data analytics.

As a top digital marketing firm, we stand by this mission. Reach out to Faceless Marketing for a quote or FREE consultation. Call 1-800-357-1299 or email and check out our YouTube channel for more content.